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Business / Chemicals

Expert in the field of particle and powder technology

Do you need a specialist in particle and powder technology to develop a product? Then you can submit your problem to Solids Solutions in Delft. We deal with the properties of particles and their effect on the effectiveness of products. Not only do we carry out regular research, you can also contact us for various seminars or workshops in this field. We also have a knowledge centre with reports and papers that you can read.

Drop and particle size analysis

Powders are used in various industries. To ensure that these mix well, the size of the particles is an important factor. If they do not have the right size, this can lead to segregation, which negatively affects the functioning of the product. Therefore, if necessary, we carry out a particle size analysis. The size of droplets is also analysed at Solids Solutions. This is important, for example, for the functioning of certain sprays in the pharmaceutical industry, but also in agriculture for spraying crops. An accurate dosage is crucial in these cases.

Perform porosity measurement

The porosity of a solid can be measured by means of a BET analysis. By adsorbing gas in the solid, the BET surface is determined. In most cases we use nitrogen for a porosity measurement, but with certain substances other gases are used for a result that is as accurate as possible. The pore size can also be calculated. To perform a BET analysis we use different methods, depending on the type of information required. You can find more information about this on our website. Of course you can also contact us.
