Until 20 years ago, almost no private individual invested. But long live the worldwide web, investing has suddenly become possible for everyone. You can already buy and sell shares from your lazy chair. This has become increasingly popular in recent years, with varying degrees of success, of course. But because brokers and banks cleverly responded to this by offering simple apps and programs, suddenly everyone could start as an investor. Most investors started quite safe by buying shares of reputable and listed companies such as Shell and Ahold. The chance of big losses is then small, but the chance of big profits is also. The success stories about that other way of investing money, that in crypto, became increasingly widely known. Yet many private investors are still quite hesitant when it comes to investing in crypto. Therefore, here is a list of how you can safely start investing in crypto. The first stepStarting to invest in crypto can be exciting. It is therefore advisable to first delve into which coin you want to buy. The most famous is the bitcoin and for the beginner this is also an absolute must. Bitcoin is not only the most stable, it has also proven to be a very reliable currency. In addition to selecting a coin that you want to invest in, it is good to see which platform you want to use for this. When you use a reliable forum, you can join at a good time. The impossible foods ipo is found online. They do a large part of the analysis for you, so you can step into a valley and climb to a peak together. When you use such a platform, you will see that you don’t need much background knowledge to start investing in Bitcoin. How much money do you need to invest in cryptoThe profits that can be made with crypto are huge, but there is also a downside to this because the losses can be the same. It is therefore beneficial and smart to invest in crypto, but certainly not without risk. To ensure that you do not see your entire financial buffer evaporate, it is smart to spread your opportunities and risk. Many experienced investors choose to put part of their money away in stocks and another part in crypto. This way you benefit from all markets and you spread the pain when the profit is disappointing. In short, today there is no longer any reason why investing in crypto is not a good idea. Do it with money that you can spare for a longer period of time and not with your entire assets and you are sure to create a nice nest egg. Using a good and reliable forum already ensures that you absorb many risks. They give advice and do market analysis, this ensures that you can make a well-considered choice!